The Best Indianapolis Data Recovery Service For Drive Users

That the donor can be recognized at least , so i want to have it wired and that’s uh going to be connected through. that interface now that Indianapolis Data Recovery interface will be plugged into the reading equipment and if it gets recognized then. we know that it’s gonna work all right so that’s step one uh now i wanna mount extensions for the wires leading up to the interface so i just want to lay it down like this right on the double-sided tape okay we’ll start with this end all right so.

This is what we end up with it looks pretty clean actually i was not expecting it’s gonna look this nice i may actually keep this platform. if it all works out and the tape holds up because the paste. i’m gonna be using it’s a very low temperature paste. it’s probably gonna melt quicker than anything will happen to the tape and same will go for you know removing it. afterwards like that and like this we’re going to plug it into jeep spar usb stabilizer so i have the device disconnected right now.

Power it back on we see that it gets recognized the information comes up if we go into our studio and if the controller is communicating. we’re going to get some vendor content in there so go into hex usually it’s going to be filled with a blank pattern or some other type of pattern for the entirety of the space so at least it’s getting Indianapolis Data Recovery recognized as six.

Indianapolis Data Recovery

The impact took out a lot of pads that do need to be connected go ahead and clean this up there we go okay we’re finished double check all the pads are still here and whoops. they’re not i see there are some pads that are not here i wish i could tell you okay , so this is the pad number one this is the pad number two the pad number two came out beautifully. so that’s it now we’re just gonna add a little bit of flux so that’s it so let’s give it another test and connect it up in the control panel for usb stabilizer. i’m gonna hit power on and we’re getting gig capacity.

If we refresh the screen here we got mass storage device for gig exfat with partition accessible to us right away and if we go into hex view set it up and let’s say we’re going to go and explore it we have a sector map side by side with it you can see. that as i’m scrolling it takes the device to different positions at this point i would clone the card out and this is going to be my dedicated board for these specific cards.

Already routed for a quick solder with pads repaired and everything good to go this is it guys that’s all that was required of this task now. It’s just a matter of getting it cloned and the Data Recovery will be returned back to the client if you guys lost data on the memory card that you need recovered.

We do have ways of getting that done for you so check the link in the description that will take you to our website. where you can request our services and gets you get yourself out of a gym like this climb did for those of you who are new to the channel feel free to subscribe and hit the notification button because that’s how you’re going to be notified when the next video comes out for those of you who have been following this thanks guys for tuning in again and i’ll see you all in the next episode.

Lucas Lowe

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